Monarto Meltdown & Mutiny - Helper Registration

SSAA Precision shooting is proud to be part of the 2024 Precision Rifle Series! 2024 is special, as the club is hosting 2 national level rounds, one in March and the other in August.

As you know, these events can’t happen without volunteers. With this in mind the club is offering to cover your entry into one of the PRS events, if a competitor volunteers to help out for at least 2 days at the other event (even if you haven’t shot a PRS match yet and are thinking that you’d like to have a go). This will be limited to 5 entries per event and will be reimbursed following completion of the agreed commitment.

In addition to the above offer, PRS will be compensating the volunteers as well, details of this will be communicated by PRS at a later time.

We really appreciate your assistance with hosting either of the Precision Rifle Series events in 2024.

Don’t forget that all event helpers will be provided with breakfast and lunch on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on the Sunday.

Thank you for your help